Thursday, July 5, 2007


The queen of England does not have the right to vote in any British election.

The queen of England has two birthdays.

The Queen termite can live up to 50 years and have 30,000 children every day.

The raised reflective dots in the middle of highways are called Botts

The rapid rate of expansion of gas is what gives steam its power. One volume of water, at normal atmospheric pressure and at the boiling point, yields 1,670 volume of steam.

The reason firehouses have circular stairways is from the days of yore when the engines were pulled by horses. The horses were stabled on the ground floor and figured out how to walk up straight staircases.

The reason most mosquito bites itch is because mosquitoes inject saliva into the persons skin before they suck your blood. They take it out once they are done, but if they are forced to fly away, they don't get a chance to draw the saliva out. And it is their saliva that causes the itch.

The reason why the very beginning of The Wizard of Oz is black and white, is because color was not available at that point. When color was available, the writers decided to start using it in Munchkinland.

The record for the biggest one day rainfall was set on Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean, on March 15, 1952, where 74 inches of rain fell in 24 hours.

The record for the most weddings is held by King Mogul of Siam, who had 9000 weddings and 9000 wives.

The red capes used to taunt bulls in bullfights is the same shade of red as the bull's blood. That way you can't tell it is covered with the bull's blood by the end of the fight. Fight spectators like bullfighting, but not blood.`

The red kangaroo of Australia can jump 27 feet in one bound.

The red sea is not red.

The red spot on the 7up cans comes from it's inventor. He was an albino (albinos have red eyes).

The regular garden variety caterpillar has 248 muscles in its head.

The Republic of Israel was established April 23, 1948.

The revolving door was invented August 7, 1888, by Theophilus Van Kannel, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

The Ribbon worm will start eating itself to avoid starvation

The ridges on the sides of coins are called reeding or milling.

The right lung is slightly larger than the left

The right side of a boat was called the starboard side due to the fact that the astronavigators used to stand out on the plank (which was on the right side) to get an unobstructed view of the stars. The left side was called the port side because that was the side that you put in on at the port.

The river Danube empties into the Black Sea.



The rose family of plants, in addition to flowers, gives us apples, pears, plums, cherries, almonds, peaches and apricots.

The rosy periwinkle plant, found in Madagascar, is used to cure leukemia.

The rumble that is created when a Harley's engine runs has been patented by the company

The Russian Imperial Necklace has been loaned out by Joseff jewelers of Hollywood for 1,215 different feature films.

The S in Harry S Truman stands for nothing.

The safety pin was patented in 1849 by Walter Hunt. He sold the patent rights for $400.

The Sahara Desert expands at a rate of about 1 km each month.

The Sahara desert is larger as Europe and large then the combined areas of next largest 9 deserts.

The Sahara Desert is over twice as big as the second largest desert in the world, The Australian Desert. The Sahara is 3.5 million square miles compared to the 1.47 million square miles of the Australian. This is "true" in the generic sense of the Autralian Desert. There is no Australian Desert. It is divided into many different deserts. What would be true would be to say the Sahara is bigger than the desert space in Australia (which is A LOT not sure how much as a percentage of the total land mass of australia).

The sailfish can swim faster than a horse can gallop.

The saluki is the oldest known breed of domesticated dog. Carvings of animals resembling the saluki have been found in excavations of the Sumerian Empire. They are believed to have originated from between 6,000 and 7,000 B.C.

The salute of uniform bodies (eg. army, police) originated from knights who lifted their visors to show their face to a royalty.

The same material that is used to make bulletproof glass is also used in Tupperware's Rock 'n Serve containers. The container, however, is not entirely bulletproof. Due to the lifetime warrantee on Tupperware products, the company will replace it for FREE! (Just in case you're in quick need of a shield and a Rock 'n Serve is the only thing handy)

The San Diego Zoo in California has the largest collection of animals in the world.

The sandwich is named for the Fourth Earl of Sandwich (1718-92), for whom sandwiches were made so that he could stay at the gambling table without interruptions for meals.

The Santa Maria was the only one of Columbus's ships not to return to Spain. It hit a reef on December 5, 1492 and sank.

The saying 'once in a blue moon ' refers to the occurrence of two full moons during one calendar month. The last two occurred in January & March 1999. The next one isn't until the end of 2001.

The science-fiction series "Lost in Space" (set in the year 1997) premiered on CBS in 1965.

The sea contains about 1/2 of the world's known animal groups

The Sea of tranquility is found on the moon.

The SEALs have been deployed in Vietnam, Laos, Panama, Bosnia, Haiti, Somalia, and Colombia.

The search engine "Lycos" is named for Lycosidae, the Latin name for the wolf spider family. Unlike other spiders that sit passively in their web, wolf spiders are hunters, actively stalking their prey.

The secretary-bird swallow hen's egg whole without breaking its shell.

The sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog." uses every letter of the alphabet!

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