Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Crispy Microwave Okra

I saw this recipe on Sun TV. I ever since wanted to try it out. Well whats not to love about it - its quick, easy, oil-free and most of all no need to cut the the ladies-finger!!!!

I used frozen okra for this, I am sure the end-result will be ever better by using fresh okra. Its so easy it does not have a recipe of its own. I thawed the frozen okra and scored a big vertical slit in each. Mixed some sambar powder and salt. Used a pastry brush to brush the mixture on the okra. Arranged on a plate, sprayed some oil and microwaved for 7 minutes. Depending on the microwave it might vary between 6 to 8 minutes. If you dont have sambar powder you can use mixture of chilli powder, coriander powder and little bit cumin powder.
The result is crispy spicy okra suitable as side-dish or starters -

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